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Installation and setup

To call the IC Camera application, create an Intent and call DeepLinkActivity with startActivityForResult. There are three ways to create an Intent to launch IC Camera.

IC Camera 2

To run a strictly IC Camera 2 version, create an Intent:

Intent launchIntent = new Intent();
launchIntent.setComponent(new ComponentName(DeepLinkConst.IC_CAMERA_2_PACKAGE, DeepLinkConst.IC_CAMERA_2_ACTIVITY));

IC Camera 3

To run a strictly IC Camera 3 version, create an Intent:

Intent launchIntent = new Intent();
launchIntent.setComponent(new ComponentName(DeepLinkConst.IC_CAMERA_3_PACKAGE, DeepLinkConst.IC_CAMERA_3_ACTIVITY));

Launch any of the applications

To launch any of the applications, create an Intent:

Intent launchIntent = new Intent();

If both applications are installed on the device, a dialog box will appear at startup to select between them.

If you have any questions or problems, contact support.