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Get a token


Before sending a request for a new token, get a master key from your account manager. It is updated only manually.

To get a new token, the backend of a third-party application must execute a POST request. The master key must be specified in the request header, in the Authorization field.

Address: POST https://instance_name/api/auth/v1.0/get_token/

Content-type: application/json

Request example

curl –i –X POST
-H ‘Authorization: Token XXXX’

The URL in the request must end with a slash («/»). The request body must be empty.

Response example

Response code: 201

"token": 39fbb6e9-fbf9-459a-9e1b-416dbcf51875e,
"created_at": "2020-09-03 07:49:59.300248+00:00",
"expires_at": "2020-12-02 07:49:59.300248+00:00"

Response definitions

token string

New Access Token.

created_at string (date-time)

Date and time of token creation in UTC format. From this time on, the token is considered active.

expires_at string (date-time)

The date and time of expiration of the token in UTC format.

If you have any questions or problems, contact technical support.