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POST /oos_reason

Allows to set an out-of-stock reason for SKU in a scene. Optionally, confirmation images can be provided. Images must be pre-loaded into the system via /uploads or /uploads_by_url.

Adress: POST https://instance_name/api/v1.5/oos_reason

Content-type: application/json

Request body parameters

sku_gid integer

Global id that identifies sku that has an oos reason.

scene string

Scene uuid that identifies sku that has an oos reason.

reason string

OOS reason text.

message string

Error description. Optional.

images List of image IDs

Optional. List of image IDs for processing. Images are used to confirm out-of-stock reasons. Images must be pre-loaded into the system via /uploads or /uploads_by_url.

Request example

curl –i –X POST
-H ‘Authorization: Token your_token’
-F "images=[156673, 156674, 156675, 156676]" \
-F "sku_gid=13" \
-F "reason=Out of stock" \
-F "scene=4d8b66992cd841f6922723afe9bd8cf8" \
-F "message=Borjomi was not recognized."

Response example

Response code: 200

"oos_reason_id": 11234

Response definitions

oos_reason_id string

ID of the saved oos reason request.