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POST /recognition_error

Create a recognition error message. The method supports the transmission of error-proof images. Images must be pre-loaded into the system via /uploads or /uploads_by_url

Adress: POST https://instance_name/api/v1.5/recognition_error

Content-type: application/json

Request body parameters

sku_gid integer

SKU ID with the error.

scene string

Uuid, the ID of the scene where the SKU with the error is located.

message string

Description of the error. Optional.

images list of image IDs

Optional. A list of photo IDs to process. Images are used to confirm recognition errors.

Photos must be pre-uploaded via /uploads or /uploads_by_url.

Request example

"images": [156673, 156674, 156675, 156676],
"sku_gid": 13,
"scene: "4d8b66992cd841f6922723afe9bd8cf8",
"message": "Borjomi was not recognized."

Response example

Response code: 201 (CREATED)

"recognition_error_id": 11234

Response definitions

recognition_error_id string (unique ID)

Request ID.