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Types of reports

The type of the report in the response to the request is specified in the type field. Depending on the type of report, the contents of the json object in the response will be different.


FACING_COUNT report provides information on all distinct SKU recognized in the scene with facing count and share of shelf (measured as a fraction of facings). Use facing count report to measure share of shelf and share of assortment KPIs.

Master data: none.

Json example

"sku_id":10, // SKU ID
"count":6, // Number of facings
// ...


SHARE_OF_SPACE report provides information about fraction of facing count and facing width for every recognized SKU.

Master data: none.

Json example

"sku_id":10, // SKU ID
"share_of_count": 0.015, // Number of facings / total number of facings
"share_of_space": 0.017 // Total SKU facings width / total width
// ...


REALOGRAM report provides a detailed «raw» data on coordinates and size in pixels for products and shelves recognized in images of the scene. In the report, the coordinates of the sku's are relative to the upper-left corner of the corresponding image. «x», «y» are the coordinates of the center of the rectangle described the product (bounding box). «h», «w» are height and width of this rectangle.

If scene images overlap, some products could be detected in several distinct images. In this case all but one corresponding annotations will have the «duplicate» field set to «true».

Shelf annotation specifies the start (x1, y1) and end coordinates.

Master data: none.

Json example

"image": 156673, // Image upload ID, see uploads endpoint
"annotations": [ // List of sku object found in the image
"sku_id": 232, // SKU id, see sku endpoint
"x": 569, // Bounding box center x
"y": 312, // Bounding box center y
"h": 112, // Bounding box height
"w": 112 // Bounding box width
"duplicate": false
"shelf_annotations": [ // List of shelf object found in the image
"x1": 45, // x1, y1: shelf start in px
"y1": 63,
"x2": 46, // x2, y2: shelf end in px
"y2": 89
// Other products in the image here
// Other images in the scene here


Provides a relation between SKU and prices as determined on the basis of recognized price tags.

Master data: none.

Json example

"sku_id":28, // SKU ID
"price": 130.57, // SKU price
"price_tag_colors": ["yellow", "white"] // Primary SKU price tag colors


Compares assortment of SKU recognized in the scene with a pre-defined Must Have List.

Master data: Must have list (MHL).

Json example

"mhl_id": 16752, // Must have list ID
"compliance": 93.5, // MHL compliance in %
"records": [
"mhl_record_id":70, // Must have list record ID
"compliant": false // True if SKU was recognized in the scene, false otherwise
// ...


Provides detailed planogram compliance status and the list of actions required. Aggregated planogram compliance is measures as a fraction of correctly placed faces.

Master data: planogram.

Json example

"planogram_id": 13249, // Planogram ID, see planograms endpoint
"compliance": 70.4, // Planogram compliance in %
"images" : [
"image_id" : 7877,
"actions": [ // How to fix the compliance
"x": 569, // Bounding box center x. Not available for the action ADD.
"y": 312, // Bounding box center y. Not available for the action ADD.
"h": 112, // Bounding box height. Not available for the action ADD.
"w": 112, // Bounding box width. Not available for the action ADD.
"shelf_index":2, // Shelf ID (top to bottom starting from 0)
"rack_index": 1, // Rack ID (left to right starting from 0)
"product_index": 7, // Shelf position (left to right starting from 0)
"sku_id": 77, // SKU ID as recognized in the image
"action_type": "ADD", // ADD, DELETE OR REPLACE
"planogram_sku_id": 76, // Optional. Specified if sku_action=REPLACE
// SKU ID as found in the planogram
// Human-readable prescription. Prescription language depends on instance settings
"text": "Replace ACME Cola 2000 ml with ACME Orange 2000 ml"
{"id" :2
// ...



Provides panoramic image stitched from the images of the scene. Note that it is not guaranteed that the whole scene will be stitched to the single panorama, therefore the report format provides a list of stitched images.

Master data: none.

Json example

"rendered": [ // a single image was stitched for this scene
"id": 156673,
"url": "https:/ c118916f-36b5-4801-8910-c9fc1e575e33.jpg ",
"width": 7200,
"height": 12800,