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GET /dqi_types/{id}

Returns information about DQI by ID.

Address: GET https://instance_name/api/data/v1.3/dqi_types/{id}/

Content-type: application/json

Path parameters

id integer

Required. DQI ID.

Request example

curl –i –X GET
-H ‘Authorization: Token <<your_token>>

Response example

Response code: 200

"id": 1979894965,
"uuid": "844e8e37-e4b5-4c8f-9fa8-933e3726e526",
"created_at": "2021-09-22T13:27:05.049034Z",
"updated_at": "2021-10-22T15:53:40.395212Z",
"name": "Perspective angle horizontal",
"description": "",
"related_to": "IMAGE",
"severity": "INFO",
"threshold": 0.3

Response definitions

id integer (bigint)


uuid string

Universal unique identifier of DQI.

cid string <= 255 символов Nullable

DQI ID in the user's system.

created_at string (date-time)

Date of creation of the DQI in the format «YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ».

updated_at string (date-time)

DQI update date in the format «YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ».

name string [ 1 .. 255 ] символов

Required. DQI name.

description string <= 255 символов Nullable

DQI description.

related_to string

Required. Indicates what the DQI indicator refers to.

severity string

DQI severity.

threshold float

Required. The threshold below or above which the DQI should not fall.