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GET /sku

Returns a list of SKU's.

Address: GET https://instance_name/api/data/v1.3/sku/

Content-type: application/json

Request body parameters

limit integer

Number of results to return per page.

offset integer

The initial index from which to return the results.

Request example

curl –i –X GET
-H ‘Authorization: Token <<your_token>>
–F "limit=1" \
–F "offset=0"

Response example

Response code: 200

"count": 546,
"next": "",
"previous": "",
"results": [
"id": 15162,
"cid": "4690228102691",
"name": "Агуша БатонФрЗлак ЯблГруш 0,3% 15г ФП18Х",
"category_id": 1623,
"brand_id": 12396,
"manufacturer_id": 314,
"size_x_mm": 40,
"size_y_mm": 10,
"size_z_mm": 115,
"attributes": {
"Подкатегория": "FRUITS BAR BABY",
"Группа продукта": "BABY FOOD NON DAIRY",
"Категория продукта": "BABY FOOD NON DAIRY",
"Маркетинговая группа продуктов": "BABY FOOD NON DAIRY"
"id": 15122,
"cid": null,
"name": "INSTANT COFFEE Porto Rosso any product",
"category_id": 753,
"brand_id": 36061,
"manufacturer_id": null,
"size_x_mm": null,
"size_y_mm": null,
"size_z_mm": null,
"attributes": {
"Сегмент": "Растворимый",
"Категория": "Кофе"

Response definitions

count integer

Required. Number of SKU's.

next string (uri) Nullable

Next page.

previous string (uri) Nullable

Previous page.

results Array of objects

Required. Array of objects with information about SKU.

id integer


cid string <= 255 characters Nullable

SKU ID in the user's system.

name string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

Required. SKU name.

category_id string

Product category ID.

brand_id string

Product brand ID.

manufacturer_id string

Product manufacturer ID.

size_x_mm number

Product width in mm.

size_y_mm number

Product height in mm.

size_z_mm number

Product depth in mm.

attributes object Nullable