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GET /tasks/{id}

Returns information about task by ID.

Address: GET https://instance_name/api/data/v1.3/tasks/{id}

Content-type: application/json

Path parameters

id integer

Required. Task ID.

Request example

curl –i –X GET
-H ‘Authorization: Token <<your_token>>

Response example

Response code: 200

"id": 125,
"name": "Required photo task",
"short_description": "I am a task, you know what to do",
"long_description": "Enjoy sea reveal brother fall owner. Speak pass heart she.\r\nCut piece purpose free opportunity around. Writer whether central improve point personal service. Only western physical another.",
"is_enabled": false,
"is_required": false

Response definitions

id integer

Task ID.

name string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters

Required. Task name.

short_description string <= 255 characters Nullable

Task short description.

long_description string Nullable

Task full description.

is_enabled boolean

is_required boolean