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Visit Structure

The visit structure reflects the tasks needed to be completed, and the ways to organize the work of a merchandiser during a store visit.

Instructions in tasks

For each type of tasks that are offered during the visit, we can add instructions that will detail how to complete that task. In addition, the system will help to draw up the schedules of merchandiser store visits for a particular day.

Visit structure and the store type

At your request, visits can be divided into tasks, categories, points of sale (cash register, promotional counter, refrigerator on the street or indoors), questionnaires, and so on.

The logic of the visit itself may also differ. For example, beer shops will have a garland of chips or crackers. A coffee shop will have a fridge with drinks. Hypermarket will have a lot of checkout points, points of sale, and so on.

All these nuances are taken into account when drawing up the tasks of the visit.


A questionnaire is a type of survey in which you need to choose an answer from several proposed options, or fill it in manually. Questionnaires allow you to get information about a situation at a point of sale in a timely manner.

For example, before placing promotional equipment at a store, a survey is carried out to determine which stores have a space for it. The task of a merchandiser during the visit is to discuss with the store director whether they would provide a space for the counter. Based on the survey results, the company can plan an installation of equipment, and deliver it to the point of sale.