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October 2021

This month, we redesigned the portal, added a new section, and finalized the dataset for fraudulent photos.

New portal design

We started working on a new look for the portal: we have redesigned the menus, fonts, icons and other interface elements. As a result, the new design retained all the current functionality, but became simpler and more concise.

The transition of entire portal to the new design will take place gradually. For now, the new interface is included in the « Tasks» and « Email lists» sections.


Task cards look smaller now, but did not lose their informativeness. The card focuses on the task name, its brief description and status:

  • Open — the task has been created and is awaiting execution;
  • Done — the user completed the task;
  • Will not complete - the user at the store indicated that they could not complete the task;
  • In progress — the user has started working;
  • Closed — the task has been checked and closed.

Additional information on the task is briefly displayed at the bottom of the card:

  • — category of goods to which the task belongs. For example, Coffee;
  • — task due date;
  • — creation date;
  • — the name of the user who created it on the portal;
  • Update at — date when the task was last updated.

The task card has also changed. A large number of scrolls is not necessary anymore to view all the information, and the parameters themselves became easy to read and edit.


Filters do not occupy a significant part of the screen anymore, but are rather hidden under the button. When you click on this button, the usual filter view will appear.

To sort data, such as a list of tasks by status in a section, simply click on and specify the filter options.

If you don’t need the filter window anymore, click . The window with parameters will be hidden, but the number of applied filters will still be displayed on the button.

Help on the site

Links to the Help site will appear on the portal. There we describe how to work with Inspector Cloud services in detail .

Now, when you click on in any of the sections, help for working with this particular section will open.

If after reading the help you still have questions, you can always ask them to our technical support staff.

Email lists

Very often a situation arises when you need to change settings on the portal, but this can only be done through a manager or technical support. Moreover, the setup itself does not require a lot of effort, but calls and correspondence on it can take a lot of time.

To save your time and, accordingly, money, we are gradually adding different ways of customization to the portal. This month there will be a new section — « Email lists».

Why is this needed

Now you can independently configure the results export to e-mail.

All you need to do is create a mailing list on the portal and add users emails to it. After that it will be linked to the export template. Immediately after the upload is completed, the results will automatically begin to arrive at the addresses indicated in your mailing list.

If you need to add a new user, or remove an email from the list, just edit the mailing list.

In the mailing section itself, each card displays brief information: when and by whom it was created, when it was updated, and also how many users are in the mailing list.

Fraud dataset

With the help of the fraud dataset, the system learns to distinguish genuine photos taken during a real visit from the fraudulent ones, for example, taken from the screen. This time we have improved the accuracy of photo forgery detection.

What changed

We changed the dataset type from single- to multi-label, and added classes to it: Fraud Paper, Fraud Screen, Fraud Place, and Not Fraud.

Fraud Paper

These are all photos of products that are made from paper: magazines, catalogs, planograms etc.

Fraud Screen

Photos of products taken from any device with a screen - phone, computer or tablet.

Fraud Place

Includes cases where we can see on pictures:

  • There are goods, but they are not in the store. For example, a photo of a product in a car or on the street.
  • There are objects, but they are without goods. Like an empty refrigerator.

Not Fraud

These are photos that do not try to deceive or confuse the system, but reflect the real products in a store.